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Get involved

We offer a wide range of opportunities for students to broaden their experience and develop their leadership and team working skills.

Students in the Sixth Form are expected to contribute broadly to all aspects of school life. They may play a leading role in:

  • A large number of clubs and societies.
  • Peer support to younger students.
  • Representation on School and Year Councils.
  • Supporting activities within the House System.
  • Many charitable activities, and much more!


We encourage student participation in all areas of school life, relying in particular on our Senior Pupil Team to give voice to the views of the wider student body. Each year staff elect Year 13 students who have shown strong leadership capabilities to form the Senior Pupil Team.

These students are responsible for representing the school and its values when working with students, parents, members of staff and the wider community. As well as advising as part of the Eco Committee and the School Council, Senior Pupils meet with the Headteacher once a week to discuss issues that they deem to be especially relevant to the student community.

Team members also help to organise events, speak at open evenings and ceremonies, and oversee the maintenance of the Sixth Form Common Room.


Students from all year groups are able to form and join student-led societies, which represent the diverse spectrum of student interests and values. Some of the largest societies include FemSoc (Feminist Society), Afro Caribbean Society, and LGBTQ+ Society.

Sixth Form students are often invited to research, plan and lead whole school assemblies, with the aim of sparking discussion on topical issues across year groups. In addition to this, the Senior Leadership Team often works closely with society leaders in the Sixth Form to consult on and develop relevant policies. Evidence of such involvement in school societies is often used by students to support their university applications.

Many students choose to take part in extra-curricular activities, such as chess, Model United Nations and Economics Society, amongst others. We boast a talented choir and orchestra, and stage multiple drama productions annually. Concerts and shows take place all year around in the school’s Great Hall or state-of-the-art Seward Studio. Sporting opportunities are also extensive thanks to our various teams (e.g. football, basketball, netball) and our generously equipped gym. The Physical Education department often collaborates with external clubs and agencies, such as London Pulse Netball, to offer high quality provision.


We actively encourage our students to take part in external projects, to help them build confidence, resilience and independence. We have strong links with local organisations and charities and often share news of volunteering opportunities with Sixth Form students. Previous students have obtained volunteering placements at nearby care homes, charity shops, hospitals and community centres. In recent years, our young people have also worked with the Trussell Trust to support food banks in the Edmonton area.

Many students at the Latymer School additionally choose to devote time to helping younger learners. As part of our House System, sixth formers become mentors, offering social and academic coaching to pupils in younger year groups. A number of young people volunteer in local primary schools, assisting children from the local area to develop their maths and reading skills.

The student-led Charities Committee works to organise a series of events throughout the year in order to fundraise for selected non-profit organisations. Sixth Form students often choose to support charities that they have identified as being particularly relevant to the student community, or whose values align with those of the school. Annual events include non-uniform days, Halloween and Valentine’s Day celebrations and Christmas Fairs.


The Latymer School produces a number of magazines, featuring articles written and edited by students. The History, Science, English and Economics Departments all have their own publications, and anyone is welcome to submit a piece. 

Students are invited to propose a topic of personal interest or particular relevance and conduct further research into the subject. Articles may take the form of essays, opinion pieces or reviews.