Curriculum overview
The key areas of learning and experience at the Latymer School.
Our aim is for each pupil to develop talents and interests to the full while experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum throughout Years 7 to 11. In Years 12 and 13 the curriculum obviously narrows as it prepares students for further study. However, students study four subjects to AS and three to A2.
Whatever we teach, we try to ensure pupils develop their capacity to analyse, think for themselves and not just learn by rote.
Our courses in Years 7 to 11 comply with the requirements of the National Curriculum. The curriculum is reviewed each year. To find out more about the curriculum, please read the Curriculum policy or email
The curriculum is organised into a two-week timetable. Lessons are taught in 40-minute periods which may be single or double periods. In Years 7 and 8, there are 76 teaching periods.
Years 7 and 8 pupils follow the same courses subject to language variations. Pupils study either French or German in Year 7. In Year 8 pupils begin to study a second language which may be German, French, Latin or Russian. Science is taught as an integrated subject in Years 7 and 8 with the separate disciplines being taught in Year 9. In Year 9 there are 76 teaching periods.
Personal Development curriculum and Citizenship are taught by a combination of form tutors and a specialist team in Years 7 and 8. In Year 9 this part of the curriculum is taught by a specialist team and is organised in a carousel arrangement with Drama and ICT.
The number of lessons allocated to each subject is shown in the table below.
Number of lessons per fortnight | Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
English | 8 | 8 | 9 |
Mathematics | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Science | 10 | 10 | |
Biology | 4 | ||
Chemistry | 4 | ||
Physics | 4 | ||
Art | 4 | 2 | 3* |
Technology | 8 | 4 | 4 |
History | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Geography | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Religious education | 4 | 4 | 4 |
ICT | 2 | 2 | PECT |
Drama | 3 | 3 | PECT |
1st Foreign Language (half of each year group take French, the other half German) | 7 | 7 | 7 |
2nd Foreign Language (chosen from French, German, Russian and Latin) | 9 | 8 | |
Music | 4 | 2 | 3* |
Personal Development and Citizenship | 2 | 1 | PECT |
Physical education | 6 | 6 | 6 |
* For one double period in the cycle, there is a carousel arrangement for Music and Art.
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 has a small optional component. There are 76 periods in the teaching cycle and all pupils will follow a curriculum as given below:
- English Language and Literature (= 2 GCSE subjects).
- Mathematics.
- Triple Science (= 3 separate GCSE subjects - Biology, Chemistry, Physics).
- A modern foreign language (chosen from French, German and Russian).
- A Humanity subject (chosen from Geography, History and Religious Education).
- Non-examination Physical Education and Religious Education.
- ICT is incorporated in all subjects.
Pupils choose two additional subjects to complete a 10-subject curriculum. The subjects on offer at present are Art & Design, Business Studies, Design & Technology, Drama, French, Geography, German, History, Latin, Media Studies, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Russian. Computer Science will be offered from September 2022.
Careers Education is incorporated into the pastoral curriculum and pupils have the opportunity to work shadow an adult relative or friend as a preliminary to the work experience offered in Year 11.
Most pupils progress to our large Sixth Form, entry to which is subject to satisfactory conduct and academic achievement. A wide range of courses is available. Most pupils take four subjects in Year 12 and progress to A Level in three or four subjects in Year 13. Read more about the subjects taught in Sixth Form.
Sixth Formers play a major role in the organisation of School and House activities.
Relationships and Sex education is featured in Key Stages 3-5 through form time activities, assemblies, Personal Development lessons and drop down days. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from any element of sex education in accordance with the guidelines set out in the 2020 RSE curriculum up to the term before their child's sixteenth birthday. Please contact if you wish to do this.
Religious Education is taught broadly in accordance with the Enfield Education Authority Agreed Specification. All our pupils are encouraged to participate in lessons, although individuals may be withdrawn on written request from parents to the Headteacher.
This is an important part of every pupil’s curriculum. There are many opportunities to develop a variety of skills and enjoy sport and games. Our pupils are helped to an understanding of the importance of physical activity for their life-long fitness and encouraged to develop an active lifestyle.
In Years 7-9, our pupils follow a range of different sports, such as athletics, gymnastics, tennis, cricket, football and netball. From Year 10 onwards there is a wider range of activities and the opportunity to specialise. Sixth Formers have the chance to be involved in squash, golf, outdoor pursuits, swimming, orienteering and dry-slope skiing.
- The tables above show the specification numbers across the four Awarding Bodies, AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR & WJEC for GCSE, AS and Advanced Levels.
- STEP examinations are offered in Mathematics in Year 13.
- Many Year 13 students are also now taking University Entrance Examinations in the Autumn Term of Year 13 e.g. BMAT, HAT.
- Any student wishing to sit an examination at GCSE, AS or Advanced Level at another centre should inform the school by 31st October in the academic year in which the examination is to be taken to request permission for any absence that may be required.
GCSE Courses at Key Stage 4
Subject | Awarding body | Specification code number |
Art | AQA | 8201 |
Biology | AQA | 8461H |
Business studies | EDEXCEL | 1BS0 |
Chemistry | AQA | 8462H |
Computer science | AQA | 8525 |
Design and Technology | EDEXCEL | 1DT0 |
Drama & Theatre Arts | AQA | 8261 |
English | AQA | 8700 |
English Literature | AQA | 8702 |
French | AQA | 8658H |
Geography | AQA | 8035 |
German | AQA | 8668H |
History | EDEXCEL | 1HI0 |
Latin | OCR | J282 |
Mathematics | EDEXCEL | 1MA1 |
Media Studies | WJEC/CBAC | C680QS |
Music | EDEXCEL | 1MU0 |
Physical education | OCR | J587 |
Physics | AQA | 8463H |
Religious Studies | AQA | 8062LA |
Russian | EDEXCEL | 1RU0H |
Subject | Awarding body | Specification code number |
Art, Craft & Design | AQA | 7241/7201 |
Biology | AQA | 7401/7402 |
Chemistry | EDEXCEL | 8CH0/9CH0 |
Design & Technology | OCR | H404/H405/H406 |
Economics | EDEXCEL | 8EC0/9EC0 |
English Literature | WjEC/CBAC | B720QS/A720QS |
French | AQA | 7651V/7652V |
Geography | AQA | 7036/7037 |
German | AQA | 7661V/7662V |
Government & Politics | EDEXCEL | 8PL0/9PL0 |
History | AQA | 7041HE/7042HE |
Mathematics | EDEXCEL | 8MA0/9MA0/8FM0/9FM0 |
Media Studies | OCR | H009/H409 |
Music | EDEXCEL | 9MU0 |
Physics | AQA | 7407/7408 |
Religious Studies | OCR | H173A/H573A |
Russian | EDEXCEL | 9RU0 |
For further information, please contact Mr Grassick Deputy Head (Curriculum) via