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Our governors

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Latymer School is fortunate to benefit from an experienced and talented Governing Body.

The Governing Body sets the School’s overall strategic direction and ensures that the highest standards of education, safeguarding and financial probity are maintained. 

If you have any queries or need to contact the Governors, please email Mary Pope, Clerk to the Governors, at 

Chair of Governors

Portrait of Stephen Way

Role: Chair of Governors (appointed March 2017 for four years; re-appointed March 2021 for four years); Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton.

As a second-generation Latymerian I am delighted to be able to serve the school that has played such a big part in shaping my life. Most of my career has been spent in IT, ultimately as an IT Director for chemicals and metals company Johnson Matthey plc. Outside of work I have held various trustee roles, most recently as Chair of Trustees for Scouting in North London. As a result of my work as a governor in various sectors, I am now an accredited National Leader of Governance.

I am proud to have the opportunity to volunteer my experience of governance and trusteeship, together with my long involvement with youth development and my knowledge of the Latymer ethos, at this truly outstanding school.

Stephen is a member of the following committees: Appointments; Curriculum & Standards; Finance & Infrastructure; Hearings Panel; Headteacher's Pay; Pay; Professional Standards.

Deputy Chair

Portrait of Shannett Thompson

Role: Deputy Chair (appointed in December 2018 for four years, re-appointed in November 2022 for four years); Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Board.

I was attracted to Latymer after my very first visit. The school is synonymous with high standards and success. I am a qualified solicitor who specialises in regulation and fitness to practise matters. One of the sectors I advise in is education. My mother is also a primary school teacher, and therefore I have a keen interest in education.

My aims are to use my experience in the legal sector to ensure that the Governing Board not only holds Latymer accountable for the benefit of the students, but also operates in a manner that is without reproach.

Shannett is a member of the following committees: Admissions; Appointments; Headteacher's Pay; Hearings Panel; Pay; Professional Standards.

Parent Governor

Portrait of Demi AgrotisRole: Parent Governor elected by parents of the Latymer School in May 2023 for four years.

I am very excited to be elected as a Parent Governor, given I am a former student and was Deputy Head Girl of the Latymer school. I currently have a son at Latymer and a daughter in another local school. 

 I work as an Audit Director at Lloyds Bank Group and manage a team of 20 people. I qualified as a Chartered Accountant from KPMG and have 25 years experience in financial services.  I have also worked at RBS, Barclays and MUFG. I obtained by Accounting and Finance BSc degree from the London School of Economics.  In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family, travelling, visiting the theatre and reading.  

I look forward to bringing my insights and experience to the Governing Body. 

Demi is a member of the following committee: Finance & Infrastructure.

Parent Governor

Portrait of John AnthonyRole: Parent Governor elected by parents of the Latymer School in May 2023 for four years.

My son is a student at the Latymer School, and my daughter is at university. Currently, I am the Operational Director for Children and Families in Redbridge Council.

I am passionate about social mobility, education, equality, and diversity. Outside work, I enjoy a range of interests including history and politics. I look forward to bringing my experience to the Governing Body and working in the appropriate committees.

John is a member of the following committee: Pupils & Personnel.


Portrait of Maureen Cobbett

Role: Headteacher; Ex officio Staff Governor since September 2015.

I am very proud to be Headteacher of the Latymer School, a school steeped in tradition and success. This is my second headship and throughout my time as a Head, indeed as a teacher, I have worked to ensure that students in my care achieve their very best, both academically but also socially. As a school we are child-centred and our students are always the priority. Our primary objective is to provide high quality learning for all. Everyone should leave lessons feeling that they have made significant and sufficient progress in skills, knowledge and understanding. It is our aim that students will leave the Latymer School equipped and able to take their place in society and move on to their chosen career path.

Maureen is a member of the following committees: Admissions (Adviser); Appointments; Curriculum & Standards; Finance & Infrastructure; Health & Safety; Pay (Adviser); Pupils & Personnel.

Foundation Governor

Portrait of Edward Cooper

Role: Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton in November 2017 for four years; re-appointed November 2021 for four years).

I attended Latymer between 1997 and 2004, following in the footsteps of my father, aunt and uncle. Latymer has therefore always been a constant in my life. I am a fully qualified architect having worked on a variety of projects, differing in size, construction value and typology.

I hope to bring a fresh and energetic approach to the Governing Board and feel my skill set is well suited to the school’s needs as the Foundation looks to maintain, enhance and renew the environment of the school. I want to contribute to improving the facilities for all students, staff, parents and visitors alike to enable Latymer to maintain and surpass the high standards it has set.

Ed is a member of the following committees: Appointments; Finance & Infrastructure; Hearings Panel; Health & Safety; Professional Standards.

Foundation Governor

Portrait of Corrine Harms

Role: Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton (appointed in February 2021 for four years; re-appointed December 2024 for four years).

I joined KPMG UK in 2014 and I am now the Deputy Head of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability. I have over 10 years’ experience working in the education field, developing large-scale programmes and campaigns that unlock the potential of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. I oversee the delivery of nearly 50,000 hours of community work each year to support 20,000 disadvantaged young people to develop their literacy, numeracy and lifelong learning skills.

Prior to joining KPMG, I worked in the public and third sectors. I am a trustee of the KPMG Foundation, a grant-giving organisation dedicated to improving the lives of some of the UK’s most vulnerable children. I am also a trustee at Refugee Youth, a charity which supports young refugees through participatory arts projects.

Corrine is a member of the following committees: Appointments; Curriculum & Standards; Hearings Panel; Pupils & Personnel; Professional Standards.

Foundation Governor

Portrait of Bilal Mahmood

Role: Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton (appointed in February 2021 for four years; re-appointed December 2024 for four years).

I am Legal Head of Banking at China Construction Bank, one of the world’s largest commercial banks. I am responsible for managing the legal side to all the bank’s major international transactions. Prior to this role, I was a banking and finance associate at Allen & Overy LLP and worked extensively on developing the PRIME programme: a City-wide social mobility programme.

I am passionate about social mobility. As a Governor of the English-Speaking Union (an international education charity), I developed a London-wide schools debating and mentoring programme for disadvantaged young people. After 15 years, the London Debate Challenge continues to empower through critical thinking and communication skills. My passion and love for debating started at Latymer, where I was a student from 1999-2001.

Bilal is a member of the following committees: Admissions; Appointments; Hearings Panel; Professional Standards. 

Foundation Governor

Portrait of Krishna MehtaRole: Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton (appointed in March 2019 for four years; re-appointed in March 2023 for four years).

As a former Latymer pupil, it gives me great joy to serve the school as a Foundation Governor.

The ethos at Latymer encouraged me to give back to the community. In 2012, I started coaching and managing the under 12s Sunday-league team at Chase Side Youth Football Club. We prevailed through ups and downs all the way through to 2019, cumulating with the finale of their youth football careers.

Professionally, I commenced my career in the hedge fund world, where I qualified as a chartered certified accountant. This led me down an interesting path to where I am now - at Interpath Advisory, focusing on restructuring. I hope to contribute my professional and personal experience to my role as Foundation Governor and make a positive impact to the school that contributed so immensely to my formative years.

Krishna is a member of the following committees: Appointments; Curriculum & Standards; Finance & Infrastructure; Hearings Panel; Professional Standards.

Staff Governor

Portrait of Stephen MilesRole: Staff Governor since September 2022 for four years.

I joined the Latymer School in September 2021 as the Head of PE. Having worked in mixed Grammar Schools for over 15 years, I feel I am well-placed to contribute to a busy and dynamic school.  I am really looking forward to learning even more about the school and contributing to the future success of Latymer. Sitting on the governing body will hopefully give me a chance to give a staff members' perspective on the direction of the school.

Stephen is a member of the following committees: Curriculum & Standards Committee.

Foundation Governor

Portrait of Matthew Papasavva

Role: Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton (appointed in March 2019 for four years; re-appointed in March 2023 for four years).

As a former student of the school, I am extremely proud to now be able to serve the school as a Foundation Governor. I am a Director within Deloitte's Risk Advisory Practice, where I advise the boards of retail banks and insurers on governance, regulatory strategy and conduct risk. I also advise financial services firms on digital transformation and the adoption of innovative technologies throughout their business models and customer journeys, in a way that meets FCA requirements and expectations.

My background is in law, and I was a trainee solicitor at Mishcon de Reya Solicitors in London. I hold a Masters in Strategy and Innovation from Said Business School, University of Oxford.

Matthew is a member of the following committees: Admissions; Appointments; Hearings Panel; Professional Standards; Pupils & Personnel.

Parent Governor

Role: Parent Governor elected by parents of the Latymer School in December 2024 for four years.

As newly elected Parent Governor, I am honoured to serve the Latymer School community. Latymer is a very special place - a collection of people who bring their best by putting the children's education and wellbeing first, shaping it with a curious mindset and a commitment to making the lives of those it serves better.
My focus has always been on robust governance and risk-informed decision making, trusting and empowering those around me, leading with integrity, and learning continuously. These are the pillars of my philosophy that I will uphold as Parent Governor. From my career at the intersection of the private sector and academia, I bring experience in transformational change, risk management, and operating efficiency, both from working at leading financial services institutions and as founder of a risk advisory company. 
I look forward to working with the school’s leadership and fellow governors to support the continued excellence of the Latymer school. Thank you for entrusting me with this important role. 

Foundation Governor

Portrait of Sof Yiannakas

Role: Foundation Governor appointed by the Latymer Foundation at Edmonton (appointed in March 2019 for four years; re-appointed in March 2023 for four years).

As a Latymer alumnus, it is a privilege, and honour, to serve the school as a Foundation Governor. I am passionate about education and its potential to change lives. My passion is mirrored by my former investment firm, EOF Partners, which supported charities that pursue the agenda of equal opportunity for all.

As a professional investor, I apply the rigour and diligence from my investment process to my role on the Governing Board. In doing so, ensuring current and future Latymerians will benefit from the high educational standards that I once enjoyed as a student at the school.

Sof is a member of the following committees: Admissions; Appointments; Hearings Panel; Pupils & Personnel; Professional Standards.

Local Authority Governor

Portrait of Amit ZaveriRole: Governor nominated by the Local Authority, appointed by the Governing Board in June 2023 for four years.

As an orthopaedic surgeon I am formally trained in a multitude of transferable skills, including adaptable communication, pragmatic teamwork, and analytical problem solving. I also have significant leadership experience in a variety of situations. My professional medical background has provided me with a strong experience of governance in the health service, exampled by auditing of complex data and pathways, quality improvement and policy writing.

Education is a key aspect of my career, being directly involved in teaching all from students to senior level trainee surgeons. I am an ex-Latymerian from the Class of 2000, and therefore have a vested interest in the dynamic vision and ethos of the school. 

I am privileged and excited to embark on the role of Local Authority Governor, and look forward to giving back to the school that has given me so much. 

Amit is a member of the following committee: Pay; Pupils & Personnel.

Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months:

  • Reem El-Sharouni, December 2024.