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Trip to Germany

Another long-standing tradition of trips overseas to practice foreign languages.

A Year 10 student tells us about his experience on the Gladbeck exchange trip.

The Year 10 German exchange was one of, if not the best trip I have been on with school. When we got to Germany, we reunited with our exchange partners / families. It wasn’t as awkward as the first time we saw them in London as we had got to know each other well in London. 

On Saturday when we arrived, we spent the night with our exchange families, it was nice to get to know them and feel comfortable around them. 

On Sunday we spent the whole day with our exchange family, and I personally went to a theme park in the Netherlands where I overcame my fear of rollercoasters after 15 years. 

On Monday, first we had a PowerPoint organised by sixth formers introducing us to the school system in Germany and how their school works. We then went to the town hall where we met the mayor and walked around the city centre. 

On Tuesday, we went to Münster where we had a tour of the cathedral and then we were free to explore the town in groups of minimum three and go into shops, restaurants etc. 

On Wednesday we went to a coal mine and had a tour of it and found out many interesting things about its past. We then went to the Schalke Stadium where we had a tour and learnt a lot about German football. 

On Thursday, we went to Köln where we also had a tour of another cathedral, and we were able to explore the city. It was a very nice city with many shopping malls and many bakeries.

On Friday we all went with our exchange partners to an arcade. It had bubble football, archery, laser tag, a trampoline park, mini golf, and pool football. In my opinion this was the best day since we got to do something fun with our friends and exchange partners.

Then on Saturday, we said our sad goodbyes to our host families and our exchange partners and headed back to London.

I would highly recommend the exchange to next year’s Year 9 and future students. We are fortunate enough to have this great opportunity to get to know someone from another country and learn about a different culture.                                                                                                  
Kian, Year 10