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Snow days baking competitions

Joint competition between our Russian and German departments.

Keeping our students learning in a fun way despite the school being closed.

During the “snow days” this week all pupils from Years 7 to 13 that study Russian or German (or both) were challenged to bake. German pupils baked cookies like Omas Vanillekipferl and the Russian language learners baked Russian Pryaniki. Pryanik refers to a range of traditional sweet baked type of cookies in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and some neighbouring countries. Traditionally, Pryaniki are made from flour and honey.

The winners of the Russian Pryaniki competition are Jonah (8 Dolbe), Nathan (8 Ashworth), Vincent (11 Lamb) and Dylan (11 Wyatt). Молодцы!

The winner of the German competition was Alexandra (7 Wyatt).