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School closure

Information updated on the 12th December, 2pm

Information regarding tomorrow, Tuesday 13th December

Whilst there is no further forecast of snow, a lot of snow has fallen on the school site. The forecast is, however, for it to freeze overnight, therefore we have major concerns over the safety of the site due to ice.

Coupled with that, we also have transport strikes looming, which adds to the difficulties that staff and students will encounter trying to get to school.

So, we have taken the decision to close the school tomorrow, Tuesday 13th December. This decision has been taken early to allow parents time to make the necessary arrangements for their child.

A decision has not been made yet regarding Wednesday.  We will review the weather forecast and strike action again tomorrow, and then inform parents accordingly.

Tomorrow staff will set work for students. This could be done via email, Google Classrooms or Teams. Please make sure that your child is aware of this, available for possible Teams lessons, and checks their school emails regularly.

This decision has not been taken lightly, but in the best interests of students and staff.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused.