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French exchange

Bonjour la France!

Visiting our exchange partners in Tours.

Bright and early on Saturday morning, 45 Year 10 students set off for Tours, France.

Martha tells us more:
"We spent a week there with our exchange partners and it was packed full of exciting and interesting activities. From culture-based experiences (a walking tour, a patisserie-making workshop and a visit to a goat farm where they make goat's cheese), to activities designed to improve our French (an escape room in French and a lesson in the French school), it was all very enjoyable. A highlight was of course the final day spent in the theme park Futuroscope!
We also had lots of fun with our exchange partners, catching up with them since we last saw them in February, when they had come over to England. When we boarded the coach to come back home there were many teary eyes. All in all, the trip was very memorable - while still being educational - with one of my friends saying they wished they could’ve stayed there until the summer holidays!"