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Committees and meetings

More information on the Governing Board's structure and meetings. More information on the Governing Board's structure and meetings.

Governing Board Meetings

We hold one Governing Board meeting each term. Governors are expected to join committees which meet once or twice a term and include the following duties:

  • Determining how the school's budget is spent.
  • The appointing and dismissing of staff.
  • Hearing appeals and grievances.
  • Forming policy on the school's curriculum.
  • Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline.
  • Making sure school buildings are safe.
  • Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies.

The dates of the governing board meetings are as follows:


In addition to full Governing Body meetings, we have committees that each have their own remits and responsibilities:

Committee Members
Admissions Sof Yiannakas (Chair), Headteacher (Adviser), Bilal Mahmood, Matthew Papasavva, Shannett Thompson.
Curriculum & Standards Corrine Harms (Chair), Headteacher, Demi Agrotis, Krishna Mehta, Stephen Miles, Stephen Way.
Finance & Infrastructure Krishna Mehta (Chair), Headteacher, School’s Director of Finance and Operations (non-voting member), Reem El-Sharouni, Stephen Way, Sof Yiannakas.
Headteacher’s Pay Shannett Thompson, Stephen Way.
Pay Shannett Thompson (Chair), Headteacher (Adviser), Stephen Way, Amit Zaveri.
Pupils & Personnel Matthew Papasavva (Chair), Headteacher, John Anthony, Edward Cooper, Corrine Harms, Amit Zaveri.
Panels as and when required
Appointments All members of the Governing Board except Staff Governors.
Headteacher requests panel.
Hearings Panel All members of the Governing Board except for Headteacher, Staff Governors, Governors officiating on the Pay Committee (where the matter is an appeal against their decision) and Parent Governors.
Professional Standards All members of the Governing Board except Headteacher, Staff Governors and Parent Governors.

The Committee Chairs are appointed and the terms of reference are approved at the Autumn meeting of the Governing Board.