Music information evening
A musical taster for our new students.
Our musical welcome event for upcoming Year 7 students.
Many pupils from the new Year 7 cohort attended our Music Information Evening with their parents and enjoyed performances from Concert Winds and Concert Strings, as well as the opportunity to try instruments and talk to visiting music teachers and current pupils. As one of them explains "I play the trumpet and I enjoyed letting the Year 6 pupils try out the instrument and showing them how it works. I also enjoyed performing in Concert Winds. I hope lots of new students take up an instrument at Latymer!"
The Music Department at the Latymer School looks forward to welcoming and working with the new group of pupils from September.
The overall welcome events for new Year 7 students and their parents/carers are taking place on the 3rd and 4th July. The main parental contact should have received the invite for this – please note that those events are done per house to enable the students to meet their form group. If you have not received your invitation, please email